Real Estate Instruction for Professionals

Welcome to the Wyoming Real Estate Institute. Level up your knowledge and skills with Wyoming’s best selection of instructional courses for the real estate agent, broker, and agency.

Our Mission

To empower aspiring and seasoned real estate professionals across Wyoming, we are dedicated to delivering unparalleled, high-quality instruction. Specializing in preparing candidates for Sales and Broker Pre-licensing courses for over 50 years, WREI strives to facilitate success in state and national exams. Additionally, we are committed to offering the highest standards of continuing education for current licensees. Our mission extends to providing mentoring courses designed to guide and support students, offering the resources and knowledge necessary for long-term success.

Where Are You On Your Real Estate Journey?


What do I have to do to get my real estate license?

To get your Wyoming real estate license, you’ll need to complete three courses: Course One, Course Two, and the Wyoming Law Course. You’ll also need to submit fingerprints and pass two exams – one for the state and one for the national portion. After completing the courses and exams, you can apply for your license.

How soon can I get my license?

You could get your license in about a month if you follow a quick schedule. The courses can be completed in just nine days, and once you finish them, you can take the exams right after. With everything done promptly, it’s possible to have your license in your hands within four weeks.

How much time should I plan to spend studying outside of class?

You should expect to have approximately 2 hours of homework outside of class each day. If you have started reading the course material ahead of time, that will minimize your homework. The primary textbook is “Modern Practice of Real Estate,” which we refer to in class as the “Yellow Book.” However, the most important thing is to attend classes and complete the homework assignments on schedule.

Is it difficult to find an agency to work for? Do you help with job placement?

It isn’t usually difficult to find an agency, as you’ll need to work under a responsible broker. We provide a list of brokers in your area, including those who have a Wyoming broker license, so you can start looking for a good fit even before you complete the classes. We are here to help connect you with brokers, but you’ll still need to do some of the groundwork to find the best fit for you.

What are the requirements for a license? (age, SSN, education, moral character, etc.)

You must be at least 18 years old. While you don’t need to be a U.S. resident, you will need to submit to a background check. The main concern is whether you have any felony charges, as they can affect your eligibility for a license.

What if I have a criminal history?

If you have a criminal history, you will need to check with the Wyoming Real Estate Commission.

Do I need to be fingerprinted to get my license? Is there a background check?

Yes, fingerprinting is part of the process. You should send in your fingerprints about four weeks before the course starts, as the background check takes some time. Having it completed ahead of time will ensure it doesn’t delay your application.

What courses do I need to get my license?

You need to take three courses: Course One (National), Course Two, and the Wyoming Law Course. These will give you the knowledge you need to pass the state and national exams.

What Our Students Say



“Sarah Johnson’s course was fantastic! She was thorough, kind and very patient with her students and extremely knowledgeable! I will 100% recommend Sarah and the Wyoming Real Estate Institute to my co-workers. Additionally, Nancy is the very best – her customer service is on another level. The Institute is very fortunate to have her as their first point of contact!”

Nov 25, 2024



“Sarah’s classes are always informational and engaging. I appreciated the addition of the break out sessions to incorporate some class dialogue while on Zoom. I also appreciate that Sarah is still practicing real estate, which allows for valuable insight into current topics and the ways they effect and influence our day to day business.”

Oct 25, 2024



“I have taken several classes from Sarah and she is always on her game. She truly wants to ensure her students “get it” and explains topics in a way that’s easy to understand.”

Oct 21, 2024