Meet the Team

sarah johnson

Sarah has been an Instructor with WREI since 2007 and is now the Owner and Instructor of Wyoming Real Estate Institute. She purchased the school January 1, 2024. Sarah is the Responsible Broker and President of Johnson Home and Land, Inc. in Lovell and Powell, Wyoming.

Sarah brings 25 years of active real estate experience to the classroom and teaches from the perspective of being “in the trenches” with her students. She enjoys the challenge of writing course curriculum and bringing fresh content to the industry.

Sarah spearheaded, implemented, and teaches GRIT (Group Real Estate Intensive Training) program sponsored by WYREC.

Nancy Schaffer

Nancy Schaffer is the Administrative Assistant of Wyoming Real Estate Institute.

She has a background in management, client services and graphic design. Nancy has been with Wyoming Real Estate Institute over 7 years and is very knowledgeable in the processes of Real Estate Education and Real Estate Licensing.

Nancy was born and raised on a farm in the Midwest and moved to Wyoming in 1998. When not working she spends most of her time with her family: 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

She also enjoys traveling on adventures with her sister.